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Why $20 Off?

It's my way of honoring YOUR 'Greatness'... 

President's Day is about GREATNESS. It took courage, belief in oneself and a little help to make our democracy. And I want to honor that idea by giving what I can (a little help) so YOU can create the greatness I KNOW is inside you.

I’m offering $20 OFF my ground-breaking "The Secret of Deliberate Creation". This is my flagship program. It's packed with ALL the information you need to create lasting, positive change, using the power of Deliberate Creation and I honestly believe it's a MUST HAVE program.

My goal is to get this powerful information out to as many people as possible, so they can start living their dreams - TODAY - and offering a whopping $20 OFF is my way of helping get it into YOUR hands. Less money, less stress and more of a chance for you to say YES to yourself and the life you deserve.


REVEALED: A Proven, Powerful Technique That Unlocks the Law of Attraction, So You Can Finally Manifest What You Want, When You Want PLUS Your Results Will Be Certified

This is NOT about theory - this is about measurable results...

You are not alone. The Law of Attraction has been a mysterious myth to millions of people, a ‘too good to be true’ fairytale that has spread like wildfire. Making us all wonder if it really exists at all.

You are smart. You’ve seen people succeed around you and you’ve decided it’s your turn. You are looking for something tangible that you will know with 100% certainty is working in your life.

You are ready. You are tired of waiting, you are tired of watching, you are tired of hoping and now it’s your time.

And here’s the truth, if you don’t do something different now, nothing will change.

Manifestation is About Alignment

Before we go any further, please understand that I cannot give you everything you need to know in a short one page letter like this one.

However, I can show you the differences you need to look for in a worthwhile program and why I might be the guy to help you finally get what you want.

So, back to the alignment thing...

Let’s clarify what "alignment" really means because I see people using this term without really explaining it.

This is CRUCIAL - Alignment Occurs On Two Levels:

1. Alignment with the Laws of Quantum Physics

In short, in the world of Quantum Physics - thoughts (positive or negative) attract their equivalent or vibrational match. Think good thoughts - attract good things. Think bad, negative or needy thoughts - attract bad, negativity and need.

Because, whatever you focus on with intensity and emotion will set the Universe in motion to bring that into your life.

Emotion is key here and most of us send out far stronger emotional signals about the things we don't want than those things we do want.

Now that’s normal, it’s how you and I are wired and it takes very deliberate thinking to overcome our emotional hardwiring.

Yet thankfully, it can be done. (Don’t worry if this seems a little strange to you right now. I’ll give you plenty of real life examples in our certification course)

2. Conscious and Subconscious Alignment

Your Conscious desires and your Subconscious intentions MUST be in alignment. 

If your Conscious Mind wants one thing and your Subconscious Mind wants something else (counter-intention) it is impossible to create what you want. 

Sure, you can temporarily trick yourself into getting something while you are out of alignment, but in the end it never lasts. 

For instance... 

Maybe you get a new job but soon you’re right back where you were before –barely scraping by and miserable. 

Or maybe you stumble into some money or even create some money through a side business. But soon it too disappears. You chalk it up to the cliché: “easy come easy go.” 

And I’m here to tell you, that’s a lie!

The truth is, it’s just as easy to keep whatever you get once you are in alignment. 

Doesn’t this idea of alignment explain a lot of the ups and downs in your life? Now if you're like most people, at this point you're thinking, 'that's great, but HOW do I get in alignment?' And the answer is simple. 

You need to uncover and release the unconscious obstacles and habitual patterns that hold you back from creating the life you desire AND... 

The Secret of Deliberate Creation is designed to do this for you

Plus, as I promised, you will have your results “certified” in a very tangible way that cannot be questioned. 

The Secret of Deliberate Creation collapses the limiting beliefs and unconscious habitual patterns that stand between you and what you want. 

Listen, I’ve been studying this for the last 30 years and I can tell you science is teaching us more and more every day about the relationship between our conscious and subconscious minds. 

That’s why it is critical that whomever you decide to get your manifestation and self-improvement ideas from knows how to apply this tidal wave of new information. 

You must choose a teacher that can separate scientific fact from scientific opinion. You need someone, like me, who gets excited about combing through page after page of scientific studies and journals for any little insights that others might miss. 

Just sharing these ideas with you gets me excited. There’s so much more I want to share with you...

Before The Gurus… Before The Secret… Before The Internet...

Since “The Secret” was published, dozens of manifestation “experts” and “gurus” have shown up on the scene. 

Everyone is cashing in on promoting the Law of Attraction. 

I think it is important for you to consider I have been teaching the Law of Attraction and manifestation for over 30 years. 

What that means to you is that for more than a quarter century, I’ve been helping people just like you get what they want, when they want it. 

This is not a way for me to make a fast buck. 

This is my life…my calling. 

I have written fifteen books on different aspects of manifestation, the Law of Attraction and personal development. I’ve been published, in real books – not self-published e-books - since the early eighties. 

Here’s a screen shot from Amazon…

The Secret of Deliberate Creation WILL Work for Anyone Who...

  • Has tried other programs and labeled themselves as a failure
  • Thinks it’s too late to have what they want 
  • Is stuck on the mouse wheel of life, living each day exactly the same 
  • Is suffocated by fear and self-doubt 
  • Feels lost in their life 
  • Doesn’t even know where to start 
  • Is breathing…

You get the idea, this program WORKS!

The truth is you don’t have to be ‘special’ or ‘gifted’ or smarter than the average bear to reap the rewards the Law of Attraction has to offer. This is a Universal Law that has no preference or favor. It’s there for EVERYONE to use. It doesn’t run out, it doesn’t pick and choose, it simply is. 

And it’s there waiting for you right now, all you need to do is learn HOW to access it and that’s exactly what The Secret of Deliberate Creation is all about.

My Rapid Change Process is Simple, Fast and Effective...

The thing you may struggle with the most is the idea that you CAN change your life quickly. In fact, even most therapists are trained to believe “it takes a long time to change”. 

The problem is when we buy into the “it takes a long time to change” mentality it makes things more difficult for us. On top of that, we are also programmed with the “no pain no gain” mindset which only creates more struggle. 

Here’s the truth (and this might shock you)… 

You don’t have to struggle to get what you want. You read correctly, this idea is not reality it is just another belief system. The fact of the matter is, the people who are the happiest and the most successful personally and financially, do not struggle or push hard. 

To join those happy, successful people you need simply need to know HOW to change those limiting beliefs at the core level and that’s exactly what I’m going to show you in The Secret of Deliberate Creation.

Everything You Need is in My “Doc in a Box”

Once you decide to take back control of your life using The Secret of Deliberation Creation, you’ll get access to my very best work on the principles and processes of manifestation.

Here’s a sneak peak at what’s inside your fully loaded “Doc in a Box”…

There you have it, 6 whole hours of manifesting gold ready and waiting for you. 

Now remember, applying these principles to make rapid changes in your life is a simple and easy process. 

If it is that simple, I guess it begs the question; why does this program have six hours of instruction? Good question! 

The reason I have included six hours of instruction is because there is a world of difference between KNOWING how to do something and actually DOING it. Most often, we don’t do what we KNOW because our Subconscious mind resists change. If the Subconscious mind is not convinced the change is possible and safe, it will not allow the change to be made. The Subconscious holds all the cards. 

So my job is two-fold. 

First… I must “convince” your Conscious or logical mind how and why this works. After your Conscious mind accepts the “logic” of how and why it works, it will allow the information to enter your Subconscious. 

Permanent and lasting change requires that both the logical (Conscious) and emotional (Subconscious) minds are in alignment. I use several techniques to make SURE this happens. 

Second… after aligning your Conscious and Subconscious minds I give you simple instructions on how to use the information to create anything you desire. Then, your Subconscious will align your intentions with the principles of Deliberate Creation through the use of Quantum Physics (Law of Attraction) and you can create whatever you desire in an easy stress-free manner. 

And, it’s a repeatable process. It is not hit or miss. You can do it over and over again. 

However, you must get the course… use the course… and apply the course in order to get what you want, when you want it.

I Spent 30 Years of My Life, So You Don’t Have To...

I have been a seeker all of my life. And over the last three decades I have read and studied just about everything written on the subject of success and Deliberate Creation.

The result? The absolute cutting edge and best of everything that's out there. And to be honest, it has been a bit like assembling a giant jigsaw puzzle. 

My intention was to put the pieces of the puzzle together for my clients so they didn’t have to. After several years, I succeeded and The Secret of Deliberate Creation was born. 

I have literally poured 30 years of my life into this program to give you the best of the best. Take advantage of the time I’ve already invested and save yourself the headache of trying to find all the pieces of the manifestation puzzle on your own. 

Once you understand and follow The Secret of Deliberate Creation exactly as I have it laid out for you – you can live in a natural state that allows you to easily and effortlessly create and attract an unlimited amount of abundance in your life with no stress and no worries.

I Have to Be Honest with You...

The truth is simple, the Law of Attraction existed well before I did. I didn’t invent the power of manifestation, nor did anyone else. It is a Universal Law that exists and has existed since the beginning of time. 

So I can’t take all the credit for this amazing program, the essence of it is already available to you right this very moment. 

What I have done is the grunt work, the experimenting, the hours and years of study that have all come together into an easy to use, laid out for you like a ‘chocolate on your hotel pillow’ program. 

So you have a choice… 

Go out on your own and follow in my 30 years of footsteps… 


Fast forward yourself to where I am now. Take the fast track to this amazing source of everything. Use the sweat of my brow to catapult yourself into the life you’ve been scared would never happen.he thing you may struggle with the most is the idea that you CAN change your life quickly. In fact, even most therapists are trained to believe “it takes a long time to change”. 

Warning: This is Not for Everyone

Since “The Secret” was published, dozens of manifestation “experts” and “gurus” have shown up on the scene. 

I want to call a 'time-out' right now and say… 

If you aren’t already beginning to see and feel the power behind what I am saying, then this may not be right for you. 

This is not for everyone. It’s not old, dusted off knowledge from yesteryear. It IS everything we now know about this once mysterious power put together in an easy to understand course. 

This program is not for those who just want to say they are changing their lives, but do nothing different. It’s not for those who want to close their eyes, snap their fingers and have their lives change in an instant. 

This program is for everyone else. This is for those of you who are tired of feeling tired and are ready for a better life. 

If what you’ve been hearing does ring true… if you have felt the same frustration I felt… then that is a sure sign you’re ready. And that’s great news, because your life is about to change dramatically for the better. 

My Iron-Clad Double Guarantee

#1: Quick Start Guarantee

You’ll certify your results or you pay nothing… 

It is very simple… 

As I told you earlier, I will certify your success as a Deliberate Creator. Use my Quick Start self-proving process (included in your program) to rapidly manifest the cost of this program, or get a refund. 

By manifesting your investment in this course, you’ll prove to yourself that this is the real deal... with cold hard cash. 

Your confidence will skyrocket. Your negative beliefs, doubts and any leftover skepticism you might have about this whole idea of Deliberate Creation will vanish. 

The Quick Start program shows you how to do just that. You will receive five secret messages with precise instructions on how to quickly manifest the cost of this program. 

Plus, you will receive a rapid manifestation audio where I walk you through it step-by-step... it's as if I'm with you each day as your personal coach. 

And here's the point... in reality there is no difference between manifesting the cost of this program or $10,000 or more. Yet I will show you how to walk before you run. Once you have absolute confidence -- there will be no stopping you. 

Still not sure? Let me put you at ease...

#2: 60 Day Unconditional Guarantee

I'm so confident The Secret of Deliberate Creation will transform your life... financially… emotionally… spiritually… in your relationships… and more that I'm willing to take all the risk, and put my most prized work on the table for you to pick up and put to the test. PLUS I’m giving you 60 days to use it risk-free so you know it works

If you are not totally thrilled with your results… IF you don’t earn more money, IF your relationships don’t improve and IF you don’t have a happier and richer life from using this program, then I’ll refund your full purchase price on the spot. No questions asked. No hard feelings either. Just email my support team within 60 days and you'll receive a full refund.

$20 OFF Special Expires In:


I Almost Forgot to Mention My Total Success Library

When you decide to change your life with The Secret of Deliberate Creation today, I’ll give you 7 of my books absolutely FREE. These are the same books that have changed the lives of readers from all around the world.

Bonus Gift #1: “Beyond Positive Thinking”

Bonus Gift #2: “Betting on Yourself”

A No-Nonsense Formula For Getting The Results You Want... 

“For the first time ever – an advanced success system that never fails” – that is how Dr. Joe Vitale describes this book. 

This book reveals a proven advanced formula to achieve all your personal goals and intentions — 100% Guaranteed. 178 pages.

(Value $19.95)

Step-By- Step Strategies For The Total Winner...

The fact is we are ALL gamblers. Any situation that involves financial, physical or emotional risk is a gamble. 

This book is focused on winning the most important game of all – the Game of Life. It will give you a new perspective on winning, attracting new opportunities and creating good luck and good fortune. 185 pages. 

(Value $19.95)

Bonus Gift #3: “The Ultimate Secrets Of Total Self Confidence”

Bonus Gift #4: “Magic Power of Super Persuasion”

A Proven Formula That Has Worked For Thousands. Now It Can Work For You... 

This is an excellent book for those who want a step-by-step strategy for building self-confidence and creating the life they desire. 

This book has been called a modern day version of Napoleon Hill’s - THINK AND GROW RICH. 151 pages.

(Value $12.95)

For Top Achievers Who Want To Turn Personal Ideas Into Positive Results... 

Eighty five percent of your success depends on your ability to communicate your ideas. This book will help you redesign your communication patterns so that you can express your ideas more effectively. 

You will learn how to strengthen your personal power, build trust and credibility, open up closed minds, and much, much more. 154 pages.

(Value $9.95)

Bonus Gift #5: “Doing What You Love, Loving What You Do”

Bonus Gift #6: “How to Make the Impossible Possible”

The Ultimate Key To Personal Happiness and Financial Freedom... 

The key to happiness and success is following your passion. If you are not following your dream or want to expand on what you already love to do, you will find this book helpful and inspiring. 

Be sure to read the last chapter – "A Lesson from Ramon". I have never met anyone who more clearly exemplifies the principles of success and happiness than Ramon. His words will inspire and motivate you for the rest of your life. 123 pages.

(Value $19.95)

Turning Your Life Around Through Possibility Thinking... 

The interesting thing about life is just when you think you have it figured out, a new lesson presents itself. This book tells us how we create impossible situations and why things go wrong - even when we are positive. 

You will discover how to turn any impossible situation into a possible positive outcome. 181 pages.

(Value $19.95)

Bonus Gift #7: “50 Ideas That Can Change Your Life!”

An Indispensable Guide To Happiness and Prosperity... 

In this book, there are 50 ideas designed to help you have a clearer picture of how to apply the principles for success. 

Each chapter is separate from the other so you can pick it up and put it down at any time. 68 pages.

(Value $19.95)

Whew! Seven amazing best-selling books you can read and re-read for the rest of your life, so you can use them to keep you on track and guide you every step of the way. Imagine how amazing it will feel to have every tool you need at your fingertips and NEVER feel stuck again?

Get This: Winning and “Not Losing” Are Two Different Things

(Read This ONLY If You Want To Win)

With The Secret of Deliberate Creation you can deliberately create a successful business, more sales, a beautiful home, education for your children, fulfilling relationships AND anything else you desire. 

However, Deliberate Creation is not something that you can just accept intellectually. You must ACT on your beliefs. 

There are two kinds of people: 

1. Those who play the game of life TO WIN. (Take action on what they KNOW.) 

2. Those who play the game of life NOT TO LOSE. (Keep collecting more information and avoid taking action.) 

I fell into the second category for far longer than I care to admit. I had all the information I needed, but I did not take action. So I understand how gathering and learning can FEEL like action even though it’s not. Maybe you've been there too? 

This is the reason why most people do not have what they want. Their true or hidden goal is to avoid failure and disappointment. So they do nothing. They just read and study and accumulate more information. 

You always have a choice. You can play the game of life to AVOID LOSING and live an unstable, stressful life of limitation in which, no matter how much you read and study this stuff, you will never CONSISTENTLY get what you want... 


You can play the game of life to WIN and DO WHAT YOU KNOW. 

When you do, your life will no longer be about survival, it will be a life of experiencing joy and abundance and creating anything you desire regardless of your current circumstances, the economy or any other perceived obstacle. 

Who do you want to be? 

This is your personal tipping point and you CAN have that different life IF you act now. 

Here’s YOUR chance...

The Secret of Deliberate Creation is designed specifically to generate the rapid life-changing results you are looking for. 

Trust me -- I know what’s out there. You can go online right now and spend three times as much money on programs that won't contain half as much as you'll find in The Secret of Deliberate Creation

Listen, it doesn’t get any better than this. It’s time. You CAN do this and it’s your birthright to get more out of your life. 

I can’t wait to read your exciting story of transformation and I can't wait for you to CLAIM YOUR GREATNESS.

Truly Caring For Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony 

P.S. I have one more Special Free Gift for you...it’s my way of saying “thank you” for ordering today...

Bonus Gift #8: “The Intention Activator” Software (A $49.95 Value) [Available for Microsoft Windows only]

The Intention Activator is designed to keep your ATTENTION on your INTENTION. This is done by installing a small scrolling marquee on the very top of your computer “Desktop”. 

It continuously displays your "intention statements" on your Desktop, leaving your other applications undisturbed. It runs along the top of your screen, causing you to automatically and effortlessly focus on them. 

Anytime your Desktop is displayed, the scrolling marquee reminds you of your intention. It increases your motivation and desire to make it happen. When using another program you can shut it off, or just leave it running in the background. 

This revolutionary tool is the perfect companion to The Secret of Deliberate Creation and lets you effortlessly break bad habits, permanently destroy limiting beliefs, and attract exactly what you want.