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Why the Discount?

That's easy... I want to do as much as I possibly can to get this life changing formula into as many of my loyal subscribers hands as possible. Because I KNOW Strategies of Success can make the difference in your life. Because I KNOW you can create a life that's more fulfilling, more successful, and just plain old better. Because I KNOW you already have what it takes within you, but you, like so many others, have come up against some momentum-killing obstacles in your life. Strategies of Success will help you overcome those obstacles and take away the frustrating roadblocks in your path. I'm offering $20 Off so that you can say YES today and start the shift from where you are to where you want to be - right this very minute.

6 Core Habits Dictate YOUR Results...

Now, these habits have BOTH a negative expression (Habits of Failure) and a positive expression (Habits of Success) and unfortunately most folks live stuck in Habits of Failure. And living in the cycle of the Habits of Failure causes extreme frustration, crippled self-confidence and a devastating "what's the use?" belief set. 

The fact of the matter is that when you build your life from within these destructive, self-defeating habits, it's like building your house on a sinking foundation. And the thing is, most folks know this, they know a destructive habit when they are living it, yet, what they have been taught (and maybe you have been taught this too) is that they have to 'get rid of their bad habits' and this is completely WRONG - when you try to get rid of your bad habits, you enter into a no-win battle with will power that leaves you even more defeated than before. 

And this cycle goes on and on and gets worse and worse...

Maybe you can relate. 

Look, let me share something crucial with you right now and this will reverse the damage done by your self-defeating habits. This takes your house from being built on a sinking foundation and turns it into a fortress of impenetrable success. You ready for it? 

You can stop trying to get rid of your bad habits, because the key is to transform them instead - take a look at this...

One Step At A Time...

Now you know the 6 Core Habits of Failure and you know the 6 Core Strategies of Success, yet it isn’t enough to KNOW what they are, you have to know HOW to successfully transform them AND you have to be willing to take action. And don’t worry, because I’m going to make it as easy as possible by giving you a step by step system that will enable your transformation to begin TODAY. Change can be scary, we resist it even when we know it is right for us, so let me give you a trick...

Take it 1 step at a time! See you can actually transform your entire life FAST when you are willing to do this - so, no more Hail Mary Passes down the football field, decide right now to change 1 step at a time and I guarantee, you will finally have the breakthrough you have been waiting for...


The first change must start within your subconscious mind because that is where you create your reality. Which brings up one of the TOP questions I get asked...

"How EXACTLY do you change your mind when it has been programmed for so long to operate in a certain way?" 

It begins with thought stimulation and the best way to do this is with...

The Power Of Questions

What kind of questions are you asking yourself? Give me the answer and I can tell you what your life is like. I used to ask myself horrible, damaging questions – and I did it without even realizing it - I had no idea I was sabotaging my own success and happiness time and time again. And then I discovered how to use questions to open up my awareness and everything changed for me.

Imagine how different your life will be when you discover what questions you are asking yourself (that are creating the life you don’t want) and then you learn how to instantly turn those around and use the power questions to automatically get on track for what you DO want?

It really is as simple as that and I know if you are still with me here, you are ready to do whatever it takes to transform your life immediately.

Right now I want you to think of your life as it is today and what you want it to be in the future.

Stop thinking about your past and begin thinking about the present. If you can change the present, you can redefine your future.

What changes have you made that have you so excited about your life that you are now unstoppable? How are YOU different?

How do you feel? 

That's what is possible for you NOW when you decide, once and for all, to take your life off hold forever...

Here's The Truth...

You have been doing what you learned to do, so don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, although now that you know what you know it is your responsibility to take different action. You already know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result and NOW you know that your current habits are giving you your current results, and the effort of trying to get rid of these self-defeating habits is why you are stuck in mediocrity or failure and why you feel like you are hitting your head against a wall and nothing seems to change no matter what you do.

The good news is, you don’t have to hit your head against the wall anymore and everything can change at lightening speed when you discover how to quickly transform your habits of failure into strategies of success. That's why I am sharing my Strategies of Success - Core Habit Transformation System with you today and giving you the exact steps you can take INSTANTLY to start changing your life today...not tomorrow...but TODAY!

Here’s A Snapshot Of The Powerful Secrets In...

The Strategies Of Success - Core Habit Transformation System:

The EXACT question you need to ask yourself every day that can literally guarantee success...

The subtle shift of focus that you CANNOT do without...

The best way to free yourself, FOREVER from Time Bankruptcy...

The most important step you can take now to FAST TRACK your results...

The 6 Letter Word that will change your life (I resisted this for years and learned the hard way how crucial it is)...

The little known fact that can STOP PROCRASTINATION in its tracks (Hint: It’s NOT your fault)...

The most important tool to completely transform any aspect of your life - in no time flat...

The little known secret that can make a master negotiator out of anyone PLUS the one secret that can have you seeing results - INSTANTLY!

Your Life Can Change In Mere Moments

Many people make the false assumption that it takes months or even years to experience change. 

Yet the truth is that when change happens, it happens instantly. 

It is the preparation for change that sometimes can take a long time, however the change itself happens in a moment. 

And since I’ve already taken care of the years of preparation by collecting all the change strategies that you need to succeed, all you have to do is let the change take place. The second you listen to the very first Core Habit Transformation Audio, you’ll realize how simple this is...

Here’s How It Works

Strategy Of Success #1

Transforms Procrastination into Action

Even if you've been trapped in procrastination for years, there is a way out. 

In this Strategy, you'll stop procrastination dead in its tracks, and discover how to harness the energy of Inspired Action, so you can finally shift out of neutral and move into the fast lane of success.

Transforms Time Bankruptcy into Time Freedom

There is enough time for you to do and have ALL you desire and I'm going to show you how. 

You'll finally have a feeling of ease and in this Strategy, you'll free yourself from rushing to get things done and feeling like you are always behind the 8 ball. You'll harness the power of time so it works for you and time will be on your side.

Strategy Of Success #2

Strategy Of Success #3

Transforms Negativity into Positive Focus

This is more than just having a positive mindset, transforming negativity to a positive focus and enthusiasm is essential for any success you desire. 

In this Strategy, you will learn how to identify habitual negativity and instantly shift it to a positive focus. You'll be infused with excitement and that excitement creates momentum. You'll become a magnet for people and opportunity in every area of your life.

Transforms Resistance into Willingness

This is a powerful perspective shift that will surprise you. 

In this Strategy, you'll discover where and how you actively resist success and you'll know how to immediately convert that into the willingness to succeed. Crush all your roadblocks into speed bumps and watch how fast your life changes.

Strategy Of Success #4

Strategy Of Success #5

Transforms Chaos into Systems

This is crucial because systems = flexibility. 

Finally put an end to chaos and sabotage in your life. In this Strategy, you will discover how to use systems in your life to create more time, more money and a greater sense of freedom. The secret here is systems will bring you the flexibility you've always been looking for.

Transforms Isolation into Communication

Communication is the key to ridding yourself of that 'I have to do it all alone' burden. 

In this Strategy, you'll understand the trap of assumption and discover how to communicate in a way that is safe and creates positive results for everyone involved. You will finally be able to use the power of communication to fast track your success.

Strategy Of Success #6

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Bonus #1:
A 3 Part Power Video Series to
Release Struggle For Good

In this 3 part video series, you’ll discover the REAL reasons we struggle, the one thing you absolutely must NOT do if you want to get out of struggle’s grasp PLUS a quick 5-step process you can use at any time and in any situation when you need to stop struggling - FAST.

Bonus #2:
My Exclusive Top 10 Roadblocks to Success Power Audio

In this eye-opening 35 minute audio you will discover the 10 most common roadblocks (some of these will surprise you) that hold you back - so you can identify and shatter them once and for all!

Bonus #3:
Best-Selling Success Accelerator
90 Page E-Book

“Change Your Mind Change Your Life”

Because I know the first step in achieving success is to change your mind, I’m also going to include this powerful bonus package that will enable you to begin shifting the paradigms in your mind as early as today - absolutely FREE

I first discovered this breakthrough book years ago. At first I couldn’t believe it, because by applying what I learned in “Change Your Mind Change Your Life”, I was able to quickly get on the path to success and resistance just melted away. 

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My Zero Risk Guarantee

Your satisfaction is guaranteed through my zero-risk, no questions asked, ironclad money-back guarantee. It's simple, if for any reason, you aren’t thrilled and satisfied with your purchase, just contact me within 60 days and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase price. So, don’t decide now if Strategies Of Success is right for you...

Try it out for 2 full months – Risk Free...

If it doesn’t help you overcome any stumbling blocks to transforming your life, if it doesn’t guide you step-by-step through freeing yourself from procrastination, discovering your next level and defining what it’s going to take to get there, if it doesn’t take you by the hand and teach you exactly how to get your time working for you and get your greatness out there (even if you’ve been labeled a failure or never thought you could rise to greatness). If it doesn’t make progress in your life easier than you ever dreamed possible, and if it doesn’t inspire you to keep on learning and growing, then I don’t want your money and I’ll gladly give it all back. 

What People Are Saying...

Thank you Kristen. 

I truly love you. Your coaching is from the heart and practical. 

I have had big shifts in consciousness applying your coaching suggestions. These shifts have brought me from dark clouds to a sunny day. 

Thank you so much for your generosity in giving guidence and help. You help me see the real progress I am making in my life. 

Kathleen M.

Hello Kristen , I wanted to let you know that after taking your course I saw results right away. I have tried many courses with little results, yours helped my see wonderful results. I hate to use this term but it was almost magical I can’t wait for what the future brings. I am writing this while vacationing in South America over the holidays (before never possible), I could go on and on - Kristen you are the real deal! Thank you, Steve D. 

Hi Kristen, 

I love your courses! Great wisdom, and life changing! YOU rock! 

Blessings, Hillary S.

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